Sunday, April 28, 2013


Why do people have to grow up?
I'm not so sure about this getting older business.
It turns unashamed laughter into concentration.
It turns near into far.
It turns here into there.
It turns now into then.
And it turns and turns and turns . . . like that the hands of that old grandfather clock in your basement.
It ticks and tocks and talks and talks.
Turning. Turning.

I like things the way they've been.
Can't we stay here?
Innocent eyes filled with dreams untouched by the real world.
Fast to forgive.
Soon to smile.
Quick to rise in love.
Slow to fall.


  1. Juliet! Your words are simply delicious! Thank you for putting them onto the banquet table for our minds to feast on and ponder, and our hearts to sit back and savor... Content from the perfectly seasoned sharing of emotions.


  2. Thanks so much...I appreciate it :)
